Your Salesforce Data Shouldn’t Be A Rocket Science

Find the needle in your Salesforce data haystack with Orenda’s data navigation solution that breaks the barriers of your Grid 

Let Your Salesforce Data Work For You, And Not The Other Way Around  

Break The Scalability Barriers Of Your Grid  

Find the required record or insight in a matter of a few seconds instead of hours or days, by scaling your Grid to more than 50K records, while enjoying multiple service-side and client-side filters. 

See Beyond The Object ‘Parent’  

Explore data relationships with an extended multi-level hierarchy of related and unrelated objects, gaining a deeper understanding of data connections. 

Leave Time Consuming Audit To History  

Quickly find who changed, what and when among historical related lists by leveraging filters and search capabilities and accessing the multi-level child history. 

Hello Flexible Customizations, Goodbye Admin Burnout

Grant your users the power to create custom, flexible, multiple and shareable grid views so they can access the data they need without admin dependency. 

Proven Productivity Gains  

Reduction in Analysis Time
0 %
Reduction in Audit Errors
0 %
Records per grid
0 K+
Average analyst time saved
0 Hours

Work Smarter With Streamlined Data Insights

Save Time & Money

Quickly access crucial information without endless scrolling or complex reports.  

Avoid Blind Spots

Easily uncover insights across extensive records, ensuring every critical detail is visible and no insight is missed.

Enhance User Experience

Customize data views to fit individual needs, moving beyond restrictive one-size-fits-all Admin views.

Handle Data Seamlessly

Simplify data management with intuitive, scalable grids for easy export, edit, and data quality control.

Collaborate With Ease

Share customized grid view use with other Salesforce users or externally.  

Reduce Audit Errors

Quickly access crucial information without endless scrolling or complex reports.  

“The app simplifies viewing, searching, and editing large related lists, saving valuable time and effort”

Craig Behr, CityNet

Spotlight the relevant data record among heavy datasets  

Scratch Beneath The Surface

Frustration vs Clarity: Leveraging  Salesforce History Tracking in Related Lists for Effective Data Governance

4 ways to Overcome Scalability Challenges in the Salesforce Related Lists     

How to break the limitations of Salesforce Related Lists?

Ready To Start Navigating Your Salesforce Data With Ease?

Whether you’re a business analyst, Salesforce administrator, or operations leader, Orenda is your solution for quickly finding the specific record you need from massive data sets. Say goodbye to restricted admin-controlled views, tedious clicking, and endless scrolling.

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